Gluten-free Pork Chicken Beef Tips for the barbeque EAN Packaging Use by Difficulty Preparation time Suitable for Czech Product award Czech Product award Innovation award KLASA Award Guild Standard award Regional Food Product award Moravian Gate award
Orders ČR: 800 183 465581 698 129 / SR: 0800 042 026 Mon - Fri 6.00-15.00 hrs.


Visit of the Minister of Agriculture

Visit of the Minister of Agriculture

We were delighted to welcome the Minister of Agriculture, Mark Výborný, to our office on Monday 15 July 2024. During his visit, the Minister inspected the…



Project Life for Bečva

Project Life for Bečva

Thank you all who help! Read how our project Life for Bečva was created and how the money from the sale of Bečva ham helps.



Ham Bečva - The best novelty in the Consumers

Ham Bečva - The best novelty in the Consumers

We are thrilled to announce that our product Šunka Bečva has won the BEST NEW product in the prestigious Consumers' Choice 2024 programme in the sausage…



We took part in the May challenge - Cycling to work

We took part in the May challenge - Cycling to work

On foot and by bike 1 516 km! This is the result of the 14th edition of the May "Bike to Work" challenge for our company, in which we also actively…



We have received the IFS Food certificate

We have received the IFS Food certificate

We would like to share with you our great success - we passed the unannounced IFS Food audit with flying colours. Unannounced means that the auditors do not…

