Gluten-free Pork Chicken Beef Tips for the barbeque EAN Packaging Use by Difficulty Preparation time Suitable for Czech Product award Czech Product award Innovation award KLASA Award Guild Standard award Regional Food Product award Moravian Gate award
Orders ČR: 800 183 465581 698 129 / SR: 0800 042 026 Mon - Fri 6.00-15.00 hrs.



ATTENTION! We changed our registered office and billing address to:

Pod Humny 308, Hustopeče nad Bečvou 753 66


VÁHALA a spol. s r.o., výroba a prodej masných a lahůdkářských výrobků

Pod Humny 308

Hustopeče nad Bečvou 753 66

ID No.: 13643819

Vat ID No.: CZ13643819

Data box ID: t8xcicp



You can place your order using the following contacts:

Czech Republic - call for free: 800 183 465

Slovak Republic - call for free: 0800 042 026

Phone: +420 581 698 129


If you have not found a sales representative for your area,

please contact our order office.


Company stores

Váhalovy uzeniny - Pod Humny 309, Hustopeče nad Bečvou 753 66

tel: +420 733 787 114


Váhalovy uzeniny - Rybníček 348, Hustopeče nad Bečvou 753 66

tel: +420 737 277 952


HR Department

Ing. Simona Bartošáková
Payroll and HR Officer

General questions

Spolupráce, nabídky, nákup...

Sales Department

Ing. Jaroslav Martinek
Chief Sales Officer
Radka Novosadová
Sales Manager
Ing. Jakub Denk
Sales Manager

Sales agents

Monika Fuksová
Jihomoravský a Zlínský region
Ludmila Bayerová
Olomoucký a Moravskoslezský region
Lenka Šándorová
South and West Bohemia
Zdeněk Nývlt
North Bohemia + Prague

Sales representatives for the Slovak Republic

Ing. Igor Bajza
Export Manager for the Slovak Republic
Lucia Šimíková
Central and East Slovakia


Mgr. Barbora Denková
Marketing manager
Tomáš Denk
Marketing and Sales

Accounting department

Veronika Hadašová
Kateřina Strýžovská

Head of the Technical Department

Lukáš Vahala
Co-owner, Head of the Technical Department