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Visit of the Minister of Agriculture


We were delighted to welcome the Minister of Agriculture, Mark Výborný, to our office on Monday 15 July 2024. During his visit, the Minister inspected the operations of our company and got acquainted with the procedures we use in meat processing. Minister Výborný was interested in the modern technologies we use to maintain the high quality of our products. We discussed the current challenges in the field of agriculture and food processing and shared our experience in sustainable development and organic production. During the visit, the Minister also praised our efforts to support the region through the Libušín and Life for Bečva projects. He also appreciated our emphasis on traditional recipes and careful selection of ingredients. The visit of Minister Výborný was a great honour for our company Váhala and Co. and a motivation for further work. We are proud to present our achievements and contribute to the quality of Czech food.

Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture Visit of the Minister of Agriculture